Sunday, June 1, 2014

Cafe de Sug or Sulu Coffee, a Reblogged

CAFE DE SUG SULU COFFEE: Brewing Peace in the South
Posted on June 14, 2012 by Human Nature
The moment we hear the words “Sulu, Mindanao,” we inevitably think of rampant violence, kidnappings, bombings, and terrorism. What's even more sad about it is knowing that the tension in the area creates a heart-rending gap between many Filipinos, Christians and Muslims alike.
Currently, efforts are being made in order to change the way we view Sulu all together so one day, we can completely veer away from this infamous reputation and that we may focus on what is true and good instead. Thank goodness we’ve got people like Xilca Alvarez, lawyer-turned-GK social entreprenuer, who have been constantly working to break the negative mindset about Sulu - one Cafe de Sug Sulu Coffee cup at a time.
Consider yourself small-talk impaired? Check out our Sulu Coffee Coversation tips at the back of every coffee package! We guarantee you, it’s a sure-fire way to win “pogi points” from someone you want to impress!
Looking for something with a strong flavor and a boldness that takes after sultans and the rich Tausug culture? Then look no further, this brew is definitely for you! The Cafe De Sug Sulu Coffee takes its origin from a community that boasts of a vast and fertile land with verdant mountains - Sulu, Mindanao. What Sulu really is, and what the place should be known for. Made with whole roasted homegrown premium Arabica beans, this aromatic, flavorful coffee is grown by the GK Sulu Sibol community that’s "ONLY FOR THE BRAVE".
Last May 22, a check was turned over to Ate Jainab Abdulmajid, Area Coordinator of the Sulu community from the profits of Cafe de Sug Sulu Coffee. And it doesn't stop here -- this extraordinary coffee will continue to give and give back for generations to come.
By continuing to “brew peace in the South,” the social enterprise provides not only a sustainable means of livelihood for the farmers, but also hope and a radical change in perception for infamously violent Sulu.This vision for Sulu has inspired Xilca to donate 20% of the profits made from selling Cafe de Sug Sulu Coffee to sponsoring GK Sulu Sibol pre-school teachers who help give hope to young minds living through the trauma of belonging in a war-torn society. 
From left: Founder Xilca Alvarez, Ate Jainab Abdulmajid, Yla Dizon, Dylan Wilk
If you desire to be a part of this social innovation movement, help support our Sulu farmers, or just really feel like you enjoy a good cup of coffee (or even if you simply just would like to impress that special person you've been eyeing with our sure-fire tips!) -- now is your chance to be bold and brave. Have a cup or two of this giving coffee and get ready to wake up to make a change!
Dreaming of giving back in your own way? For only 250 pesos, you can now grab your own bag of 250 grams of premium roasted Arabica coffee grind! Remember to open at your own risk! 
Cafe de Sug Sulu Coffee is available at select Human Nature branches, the Human Nature Flagship Store, the Enchanted Farm Cafe, and also online. Click here to get your own bag of this original Tausug brew today!
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Reblogged without permission! :D For the original blog, please see here.

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